As some have noticed, Antiquity À-la-carte is no longer online. Built by former AWMC Director Ryan Horne, for over a decade this digital atlas allowed users to navigate ancient geographic data from the collections of AWMC and Pleiades , and to build customized maps without the need for specialist GIS software or expertise. Like all digital projects, Antiquity À-la-carte required continuous upkeep; its performance and reliability have declined in recent years, and it crashed completely in late December 2023.
At this time, there are no plans to restore Antiquity À-la-carte in its previous form. Instead, AWMC staff have begun developing a replacement program, to be named AWMC Interactive. Once complete, this platform will allow users to view and navigate the same GIS data previously available on À-la-carte using ArcGIS Online. In addition to bug fixes and performance upgrades, AWMC Interactive will be more stable in the long term, since it can be maintained without an on-staff programming team.
While there is not yet a decisive timeline, the hope is to release a prototype of AWMC Interactive for beta testing in March 2024. If you are interested in trying out this initial release, or if you have any questions, please email
2 Responses to “Antiquity À-la-carte Replacement Underway”
Alexis Christensen
Would be interested in a prototype. Bummed that the site crashed – I’d used it frequently in the past and recommended it to numerous people.
Hi Alexis! The prototype is now up and running here:
Functionality remains limited at the moment, but we’re working on a fuller version.