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As some have noticed, Antiquity À-la-carte is no longer online.  Built by former AWMC Director Ryan Horne, for over a decade this digital atlas allowed users to navigate ancient geographic data from the collections of AWMC and Pleiades Opens in new tab., and to build customized maps without the need for specialist GIS software or expertise.  Like all digital projects, Antiquity À-la-carte required continuous upkeep; its performance and reliability have declined in recent years, and it crashed completely in late December 2023.

At this time, there are no plans to restore Antiquity À-la-carte in its previous form.  Instead, AWMC staff have begun developing a replacement program, to be named AWMC Interactive.  Once complete, this platform will allow users to view and navigate the same GIS data previously available on À-la-carte using ArcGIS Online.  In addition to bug fixes and performance upgrades, AWMC Interactive will be more stable in the long term, since it can be maintained without an on-staff programming team.

While there is not yet a decisive timeline, the hope is to release a prototype of AWMC Interactive for beta testing in March 2024.  If you are interested in trying out this initial release, or if you have any questions, please email

2 Responses to “Antiquity À-la-carte Replacement Underway”

  1. Alexis Christensen

    Would be interested in a prototype. Bummed that the site crashed – I’d used it frequently in the past and recommended it to numerous people.


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